Kevin Weed

Piano Technician in Burlington, Wisconsin

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While I have been making a living as a pianist for choirs, conductor for musical theater, church organist, bagpiper, and now a piano technician, composing great music is my favorite work.

To start with a blank page and write something inspiring, fun, exciting, interesting, wonderful, peaceful, thoughtful, and have someone agree with me, is an amazing process.
Composing is problem solving, puzzle solving, connecting diverse ideas, seeking truth and helping others.

The music in the above video Joan of Arc, will be part of my new opera on Joan's life.

Music justifies its existence only in the measure to which it instills harmony into the soul and aids it to comprehend the harmony of the universe. - Plato

Ponder music, philosophy, science and ideals at:

  • Work
    • Piano, organ, conductor, composer, bagpipes