
Writer in Seattle, Washington

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Shook my tree and ended up leaving cubeville to discover my artistic side.

I'm at my best when I'm creating art or on off-the-beaten-path adventures discovering new places, people and food in my home town or around the world. I love wildlife, nature and any opportunity to unplug.

Wife to an Ironman and pal to an adorably furry Australian Shepherd.

Improviser, tap dancer, runner, sailor, artist and mermaid. Often found karaokeing in the kitchen. Partakes in shenanigans with POTUS 44 action figure. Dedicated Mouseketeer.

Known as talented writer, adventurous artist, curious leader, and reliable go-to gal. I deliver creative, thought-provoking ideas and am not afraid to ask "why?" or suggest something new and different.

"Leap and the net will appear" - zen saying

  • Work
    • The Walt Disney Company
  • Education
    • University of Washington