
Fitness lifestyle Program in New York

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The ProFormLong Society is the Ultimate Fitness lifestyle Program form people looking to Live Stronger, Live Longer and Live Pain-Free. Since 1992, we've been focused on developing a training system that improves the performance and longevity the best athletes and biggest celebrities in the world. Pro athletes represented the toughest challenge because their bodies are subjected to the greatest stress, strain, wear and tear and they have the highest performance demands and now we're consistently getting results for them we’ve modified the information for the general public. It's the reason why Ferrari and Mercedes have race cars… because they are rolling laboratories and what they learn from the race car they modify and put in their street car.

There is enough fitness information floating around catering to the superficial aspects of fitness. How many times do they expect someone read the same article on how to loose 10 lbs. fast, get big muscles, have ripped abs and tight butts? Our focus is on dealing with more mature fitness topics, the kinds of things that effect your Long-Term Fitness.

We want to show you what to do to have Your body Function at a High Level w/o breaking down.

We want you to know that for every injury, there is something that can be done to Reverse and Prevent it.

We want you to know that for every reason that may cause You to age, there is a Solution to Counteract and Control it.

We want you to know that when You’re Healthy, Your Age and Experience is Your Competitive Advantage.

We want you to know that when You’re taking the right nutrients and living a balanced lifestyle you should Never Get Sick.

We are not interested in any "Get Fit Quick Schemes."

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