Michael Prywes

Author, Attorney, and Entrepreneur in New York

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Entrepreneur, attorney, and bestselling author Michael Prywes lives in New York. He currently hosts "How I Broke Into," a show that takes deep dives into the big breaks of artists and entrepreneurs. His book "The Gasp: How to Seize That A-Ha! Moment and Turn It Into a Winning Business" is an indispensable handbook for creative entrepreneurs.

Michael was also the founder of The Jewish Theatre Ensemble (jewsonstage.com), the producer of the theatrically-released comedy "Returning Mickey Stern" (mickeystern.com), and the creator of the world's first crowdsourced movie web site, CastOurMovie.com.

In a legal capacity, he has participated in the review, analysis, and redlining of new media agreements with Apple, Google, and Netflix, and has regularly appeared in New York Supreme Court in all five boroughs and Long Island.