Rajorshi Mukherjee

Software Engineer, Web Developer, and Writer in Navi Mumbai, India

Rajorshi Mukherjee

Software Engineer, Web Developer, and Writer in Navi Mumbai, India

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Rajorshi Mukherjee is a polymath in making and has been in the corporate world for a few years. He aspires to be a person who is greatly valued for his contribution to humanity

Rajorshi Mukherjee is a talented person with diversified interests in the fields of computer science, technology, game designing, music, philology, cryptography, coding, martial arts etc.

He aspire's to become a leader of men and an entrepreneur during the day and be a rock vocalist by nightfall.

Rajorshi Mukherjee cherishes friendship, intellect, musicians, time well spent and food.

  • Work
    • Wipro Ltd.
  • Education
    • Government College of Engineering and Textile Technology, Berhampore