Raúl Fernández

College Station, TX

Raúl Fernández

College Station, TX

A second year graduate student pursuing my master's degree at Texas A&M University, with a graduate assistantship in the Department of Residence Life, where I am a Graduate Hall Director. I am a Graduate Hall Director in Mosher Residence Hall, where most of the residents are first-year students part of the Engineering Living Learning Community. During Summer 2012, I was a NODA Intern at the University of North Carolina. Currently, I am interning in Department of Student Life Studies at Texas A&M University and at the University of Houston in the Office of Prospective and New Student Services. I will be focusing my job search this spring in the functional areas of Orientation, First Year Experience, Multicultural Affairs, Student Activities, Leadership, and among others.

I am involved in the National Association for Student Personnel Administrators as the Communication Co-Chair for the Latino/a Knowledge Community.

I got my undergraduate degree at Florida State University with a Bachelors in Political Science, International Affairs, & East Asian Languages.

  • Work
    • Graduate Hall Director
  • Education
    • Student Affairs Administration in Higher Education