Regina Wong

London, United Kingdom.

I am Regina and I live in London. My ethos and purpose in life revolve around being happy, enjoying freedom and wealth and living a simple and curated life. I define myself as an Inspired Idler- one who values the freedom, time and space to experience and enjoy life to its fullest potential and to pursue ventures that provide inspiration, purpose, growth and financial abundance.

I am constantly discovering and being inspired by new ideas, experiences, people and places; evolving and growing as a result. Life has much to offer if we are mindful, open and grateful for being alive.

I have a core and continual interest in personal growth, living a life defined by beauty and simplicity, and building profitable and sustainable businesses I am passionate about. I have a positive addiction to good books, beautiful bookshops, characterful cafes, artisanal coffee and food.

My Simple and Minimal blog charts my journey as a Minimalist and my venture Live Well With Less is the manifestation of my interest and purpose in Minimalist living.

I was introduced to Simple Living and Minimalism some time back through books and blogs including those by The Minimalists, Leo Babauta of Zen Habits, Francine Jay of Miss Minimalist and ‘Voluntary Simplicity’ by Duane Elgin. Living a simple and minimalist life is a process rather than destination for me and the more I learn about it, the more it resonated with me and it is the way I would want to live my life.

I have also developed an interest in Urban Living and Design and Psychogeography. So the likes of Jane Jacobs, Charles Baudelaire, William Helmreich and Charles Montgomery have become my favourite companions in recent times.

If you would like to get in touch, please go to my website at Regworld or drop me a note: [email protected].