Ria Ramcharitar

Ria Ramcharitar

Ria Ramcharitar is an extremely well rounded individual.

Born in the beautiful twin island of Trinidad & Tobago she soon migrated to several Caribbean islands and finally settled for many years in the Turks & Caicos Islands.

She studied at the British West Indies Collegiate where she wrote 10 IGCSE subjects. She then went on to further her education at the Bishop Anstey & Trinity College East Sixth Form where she focused on Biology, Chemistry & Geography. She is currently pursuing a BSc at the University of the West Indies, Trinidad in Biochemistry & Biology, in hopes of mastering in Forensic Science & Neuropsychology.

She enjoys travelling, sightseeing, fashion, ballet dancing, art, baking and photography.

Features: imaginative, innovative, team player, open minded, caring and more

Her mother is her motivation and she is eternally grateful for her.

“What you put into life is in proportion to what you will get out”-Mom

  • Education
    • British West Indies Collegiate
    • Bishop Anstey & Trinity College East Sixth Form
    • University of the West Indies