Rick Nash

Chief Advisor in Orlando, Florida

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The trusted confidant of some of the world's greatest leaders and achievers, I am an overachieving Harvard graduate with the demonstrated expertise to identify, focus, and strengthen the organization or individual's core, compelling message and expand it through media, marketing, and products.

My strength is spearheading new initiatives, cultivating strategic relationships, and handling time-sensitive, critical, complex, and confidential challenges.


  • Oversaw all aspects of the Get Motivated Seminars brand, marketing, public relations, speaker relations, and business development for the company that produced the largest live business events on earth.
  • Developed and marketed five New York Times bestselling books.
  • Created Wealth Magazine, a website and e-magazine integrated with a podcast, social media feeds, and iPad and smartphone apps.
  • Built a "marketing empire," as described by Outside Magazine, for the largest chiropractic coaching organization in the world.
  • Set live event sales records for a $60 million organization.
  • Created an integrated television, direct mail, Internet, and call-center campaign with a charitable strategic alliance that resulted in the largest single donation to the charity and the largest response in the organization's history.
  • Three times created campaigns for massive pre-purchase sales of books, all earning a place on the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, USA Today, BusinessWeek, Amazon, Kindle, and CBA bestseller lists.
  • Work
    • JDA Worldwide
  • Education
    • Harvard University