Rich Walinsky

Southampton, PA

Rich Walinsky has spent the better part of the past 10 years in the franchise industry. First, as an owner/operator of a food franchise. Then, most recently, as a franchise executive who helps match people with franchise opportunities that may be a good fit. From time-to-time, Rich will also serve in other capacities in the world of franchising...whether it be in franchise sales or lead generation. In fact, he most recently, has helped many individuals use their retirement savings for their new franchise. He has done this with his work at IRA Rollover Solutions. He also recently launched his own website, Franchise Buzz, focused to providing information on relevent news in the small business and franchise industry. He hopes to grow this site to be a leader of franchise information over the next few years.

Rich Walinsky is an entrepreneur, who is always on the look-out for new and exciting opportunities. He continues to network and prospect for new ventures that could be awaiting. Rich Walinsky is excited to learn what could be ahead in 2015.

Rich Walinsky also spends as much time as possible with his two sons, and loves to watch and coach his sons' sports teams. Nothing gives him greater joy then to see them each participate and have fun in as many sports and activities, as possible.

Health and fitness are also priorities for him. Rich Walinsky enjoys running and hopes to compete in regional events in the near future. He has the spring and summer targeted for a number of competitive events.

  • Work
    • President of Franchise Traders
  • Education
    • Syracuse University