Rino Ridlo Julianto

Pacitan, Jawa Timur, Indonesia

Rino Ridlo Julianto

Pacitan, Jawa Timur, Indonesia

My name is Rino Ridlo Julianto. U can just call me Rino or whatever u want. Born in Pacitan, on July, 22nd 1996. Now, I just a student at SMKN 1 Pacitan. Nothing special about me, just like another people. People told me that I've cold behaviour but I don't think so. Perhaps, that happened because they look at me as I have no interesting at everything. Just in time they will call me an aphatethic. But sure, that doesn't matter and doesn't make sense at all. And the last, let me tell u that I don't give a shit

  • Work
    • Programmer
  • Education
    • Software Engineering