Robert J. Contreras

Youth Coordinator, Small Business Owner, and Project Manager in Brookings, South Dakota

Robert J Contreras' skills come from years of volunteer work and employment teaching and enriching the lives of young people. Others describe Robert as patient, energetic, and respectful. He strives to ensure that everyone around him feels included and encouraged.

Robert writes his own blog, Slowly Evolving into Fatherhood. He is also pursuing his life-long dream of being an author by organizing, writing, and publishing a collection of stories, along with a group of other Dad Bloggers.

Currently, Robert works at the Outdoor Adventure Center as a Youth Coordinator where he organizes, plans, and runs events for area children and adolescents to learn new skills in a safe and fun environment. His plans for future projects include writing and publishing another book for Dads by Dads, creating a Venture Crew for the local Boy Scout chapter, and coordinating a state-wide outdoor activity group. His ultimate goal is to put the "Adventure" part of his organization into practice.

  • Education
    • South Dakota State University
    • Northern State University