Robert Proctor

President in Cape Coral, Florida

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Robert Proctor,Multisoft Corporation‘s President, has decades of experience in business law, programming, MLM, and network marketing. He has been actively involved in the betterment of the network marketing industry since the early 1990's.

Multisoft Corporation is a a global company, with dedicated locations in the Philippines, Florida, Las Vegas, Thailand, Singapore, and several other cities. The company provides MLM businesses with the software tools necessary to run their businesses in all capacities. Since 1987, Multisoft has been providing customers with MLM technological solutions in convenient and user-friendly ways.

It is Proctor's dream to help entrepreneurs succeed through MLM businesses.

Proctor's success is attributed to his consistent internal drive to help others. He values other people above himself, making him an invaluable resource to those looking to launch their own business.

His desire to help others doesn't stop in just his professional life, but also pours over into his personal life. Robert Proctor is a fierce advocate for the Boy Scouts of America and the Knights of Columbus, a fraternal organization, dedicated to spreading the goodness and charitable acts inspired by Catholicism.

The founder of the Knights of Columbus, Father Michael J. McGinvey, opened the doors wide to the public in 1882. It originally focused on providing members with insurance who had no other way of receiving help when they needed it. Now, it focuses on local charity and philanthropic efforts.

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  • Work
    • President of Multisoft