Robin Blakely

Volunteer, Life Coach, and Public Speaker in Kissimmee, Florida

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I am sincerely interested in learning as much about you as you would like to
share with me. I am a woman determined to live her best! I have learned that when
I compare myself to others, I lose out in my life. I realize that God made us ALL
unique with a variety of gifts and talents. Therefore, where we are weak in areas
of our lives, there will always be someone God will appoint us to & strengthen us
in those particular areas. So I no longer worry about the weaknesses in my life or
what I don’t know at this point because if I keep moving forward and acknowledging
God, He will direct my path! Let me give you a small testimony about how I came to
this point in my life… My desire had become a passion to help others in my own business
from home….Why I chose a home business, I wanted the flexibility to work my
career around my personal life. Bonus, I found myself
to be completely unemployable and thank God. My talents and gifts would have been wasted!
The desire to be a business owner and investor into others success burned strongly in me.
I knew my time was and is worth more than a few pennies on the dollar! My mentality never was
the same again…I was truly on a mission. Did I regret leaving college? NO, because
God purpose for us, is NOT our purpose! What seems strange and crazy to others, is very
sane to God. He knows what is BEST for our life more than we could ever imagine! A quote
that I want to share with you… “Success will NOT happen overnight, BUT if you stay persistent
and consistent, SUCCESS will happen one night!” As of today, my mind, my decisions, my attitude,
my outlook on life and other aspects of it will NEVER be the same again! I decided to make a DECISION
in my life and to take ACTION! It was the best decision I have ever made! If you want better results
in your life, you have to first make a decision and take action and be committed in doing things
differently and continue to move forward. We are NOT responsible for the results in our life, BUT
we are responsible for the ACTIONS that we take! Become honest with yourself and ask for help in
areas you are weak in! We all are NOT equipped to be strong in everything. A FOOL never asks for
help, but someone with WISDOM will reach out for it!

  • Work
    • Self Employed