Robert Johnson

IT Director in Orlando, Florida

Robert Johnson

IT Director in Orlando, Florida

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I am a sinner, saved by grace. Soli Deo gloria.

My career in the IT industry began in 1997. Starting 2005, I specialized in IT consulting for financial institutions, providing both network support and implementing security best-practices, adhering to government regulatory agencies. In December of 2012 I became the Server Manager for Northland, A Church Distributed. January 2017 I became their IT Director.

I have a passion for Jesus and His church. I currently am an Elder for Northland, A Church Distributed. My wife and I also host a gathering of the faithful (and the not-so-faithful!) called Abel House. We are also working with friends to network similar organic and home based churches. Read more here:

I am an avid gamer. (Pen and paper, cardboard and plastic.) I love sci-fi, fantasy and great storytelling.

I have a great love of music. Any kind that stirs my soul. And coffee. I really love listening to great music while drinking coffee. Even more than that, I love reading the Bible with my wife, while listening to great music, drinking great coffee.

  • Work
    • Northland, A Church Distributed