Ron Hobson

Musician in North Carolina

Listen to my music

I live simple and close to the earth. Sometimes, when all my personal talents, passions, plans, visions and vices have failed me, I just go running and then it's just the sound of my heart beat, God and the clear blue sky. Writing about the world around me through lyric and music since around fourteen years old has somewhat educated me about a limitless world of possibilities, knowledge and freedom that can be ascertained outside of the guilded/regimented system that we all typically have to prove ourselves in during our youth. This has coincided perfectly with my experiences, teaching me much more than just artistic fulfillment, but filling my existence with a passion for life, desire to understand my own human nature, and humility towards others.

  • Work
    • Old Place Entertainment
  • Education
    • Associate Degrees
    • NC State Electrical Contracting License
    • Bachelor of Arts (School of Life)