For more than 25 years, Ronny Boesing distributed and published CDs, DVDs, games and other digital media all over the world, in over 65 countries on five continents. Today, he runs CCEDK: the first Danish online exchange for digital currencies such as Bitcoin and Bitshares, as well as a range of others including the BitAsset-based SmartCoins™ like BitUSD, BitEUR and BitCNY.

Book of life - Part II

When the music stopped making money from one day to the other, business as well as family changed and it was time to close the book of life and to open a new one. It was time to start all over again introducing an exciting new way of looking at things, a wonderful support by wife and kids, combined with the settling down on the coast side in the north of Denmark.

“It might seem like a big jump, but the difference isn’t really that great,” says 49-year-old Boesing in an interview.”‘I am a pioneer in spirit, and all my life I have made my income getting out there to the rest of the world, in places and countries no one else thought profitable, trying to sell a product. The product might be different each time; the whole world, however, is still my little playground,” he remarks, with a glint in his eye.

Is there a link between the two careers of music distribution and cryptocurrency trading? Yes, says Boesing: “not least because transparency and good Danish common sense are both factors for ensuring future international success. They’re also both fast-moving industries, where the advantages of seizing an opportunity can be immense.”

Bitcoin and Bitshares

“I would characterise myself as a realistic optimist. I tend to say yes, when others decline. I also believe in the good in people, but once let down, I do have a tendency not to forgive that easily. I don’t see myself as naive, as I stay away from any projects I don’t have a gut instinct about.” This is how Ronny Boesing describes himself, and it’s why he decided to start a Bitcoin exchange one year ago. Not content to focus on Bitcoin alone – the most widely-used form of digital money – he researched other cryptocurrencies, selecting NXT and a handful of others to trade on his new platform. Since then, Boesing has managed to add some 15 currencies sofar of which he gives special attention to the newly entered BitAsset-based SmartCoins™ from Bitshares, namely BitUSD, BitEUR and BitCNY.