Russ Pond
Producer, Small Business Owner, and Filmmaker in Dallas, Texas
jug•gle [verb] - To manipulate objects in an artful or artistic manner.
I like to juggle. Not objects or things but dreams and opportunities. I've juggled quite a bit:
Husband of a cute personal trainer
Father to an amazing son
Worked for 2 technology companies
Received 6 patents
Owner of a video production company
What I do for fun:
Made my 1st feature film in 2007
Then, made my 2nd in 2012
Finished my third in 2014
Created a reality TV show
Produced other productions
Wrote 3 books: first, second and third
I like to swim, bike and run
Finished three 70.3 Half Ironmans
Finished my 1st full ironman in 2014
Ride with my MTB Hooligans
I like to spend my mornings with God
As a Christian Mystic.