Ryan Samanka

Creative Producer, Filmmaker, and visual storyteller in Salt Lake City, UT

Ryan Samanka

Creative Producer, Filmmaker, and visual storyteller in Salt Lake City, UT

View my portfolio

Hey, I’m Ryan. I make things and tell stories and stuff. As a tech-savvy creative producer who is well-versed in every aspect of digital media production and development, I desire to generate some meaningful change through the work I do.

I believe a good idea can be anything. And I'm certainly not interested in following what everyone else is doing, because I feel we can be better at asking why some things exist in the first place.

I don't want to make something only to contribute to the noise. I want to create things that deserve to exist. I want to make things that I'm proud of. Things that are different and move conversations forward. I want to explore more and ask harder questions.

Located in downtown Salt Lake City, I strive to surround myself with a community of artists, producers, directors, coders, thinkers, makers, and doers who seek to embrace the future. I like to help others make things because—at my core—I'm a collaborator at heart. And I would love nothing more than to work with my friends in a capacity that challenges our creativity as we're committed to building something beautiful.

Let's make some beautiful things together, shall we?

/ Ryan Samanka

  • Work
    • ryansamanka.com
  • Education
    • Duquesne University