Saif Khan

Mumbai, Maharashtra | India

Most likely to be found shooting random things you probably won't and/or guffing over an acoustic song bit stuck in head.

Grew up with a addiction of mobile phones. Got a PC in 2004 and calling myself a "Geek" after that. Technology has always been something really close to my heart.

Learning the art of videography and video editing at present.

A dropper to a topper, while studying for diploma in computer engineering from Vidyalankar Polytechnic. Also, Ex-coder and UI dev, made projects for lots of students. Left coding as I am not as creative in coding, like I am in photography.

Other things I love are Androids, cooking at weekends, traveling pointlessly, torrents and sitcoms, cats, exploring talents YouTube, video blogging (vlogging, as we now know), photo-trekking and spending hours searching awesome music.

Currently working as a videographer & photographer for and Content Creator for

That's about me. :)

If you have any interest in technology/ photography or just wanna say hi, contact me on my Twitter :)

And hey... Do have a look at my photographs here , would appreciate your visit :D

  • Education
    • Vidyalankar Polytechnic