Saiyge Lotus

Consultant, Artist, and Customer service rep in the United States

Saiyge Lotus

Consultant, Artist, and Customer service rep in the United States

Second Life Landscaper for hire

Sometime photographer, Sometime creator behind Balderdash Bagatelle & Trinketry in Second Life.

Parcel, Section and Full Sim projects and maintenance include:

Fantasy Faire RFL in SL portal sim Fairelands Junction & Track Campsite
RFL Fairelands Junction 2012-present
RFL Fashion Expo 2009 landscaping
RFL Christmas Expo (SL) - 2013
Strides (SL) - 2014

Oubliette & Ode Sim Dev (until 2015)

Ozimals, Ozimals Orientation, Display work, RFL sites. 2009-2016
Magic of Oz - landscaping 2009 - August 2012, 2014-2017
Lead Customer Service Mgr. 2009-2017


In RL I am a gaming addict, a baker gone awry, a frazzled mom to a teen with Autism. A dabbler in photography, an artist, a voracious reader and whatever other hat that flies my way. I am fascinated with art in most of it's forms, words, sleep, history and pretty things.

My attention span prioritizes.
Better one on one than in a crowd.