Samuel Gbafa

Software Engineer in Brooklyn, NY

Samuel Gbafa

Software Engineer in Brooklyn, NY

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Hey, I'm Sam 👋🏾. I'm a technologist excited about building the future of digital interactions!

I was born in Ghana and moved to Las Vegas in 1998, where I grew up. Ever since I was a kid, I've taken stuff apart and (usually) put it back together, to see how it works and sometimes to make something new. I ended up studying electrical engineering but found programming to be way more fun and interesting. Wanting to build cool things, I've started and been a part of several startups, some of which failed spectacularly and some of which are thriving in some new form.

I'm interested in deep learning, web3 dapps, verifiable credentials, zero-knowledge proofs, macroeconomics, environmental sustainability, distributed solar power, drones, and flight. I also enjoy staring at clouds/storms and thinking deeply about their aerodynamics.

When I'm not on my computer or laughing at silly tweets/memes, I enjoy cycling, climbing, hiking, and most reasons to be outside.

  • Work
    • SpruceID