SAMiam Supernat


SAMiam Supernat


SAMiaM was always a character. Even from a an early age if it was to grab attention you couldn't keep him out of the spotlight he was always doing something to grab the attention of friends family and friends. Later in life he took an extreme interest in music taking choir and theater classes while rapping at home which hadn't been seen since '96-'97. while attending GCC he showed a an aptitude for the Rap/Hip-Hop genre while more work can still be put in to perfect it. But I think IT'S THE SHIT DREAMS ARE MADE OF. Since this was written I have dropped the shit dreams are made of EPK NOVEMBER of 2012 I have started on my #Mixtape #TheJoyOfNightmares and spending time in the lab Perfecting my freestyle ht

  • Education
    • MoonValley High School