Sandy Pell

Vancouver, BC

Sandy Pell leads the Public Relations for HootSuite, the most popular social relationship platform used by 744 of the Fortune 1000 companies. Sandy’s experience in delivering successful product releases, generating trending content for consumer and lifestyle publications, building executive thought leadership status, planning for crisis communications, and working with internal communications have helped the company generate hundreds of media mentions per month including in tier one publications The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, AdAge, Fast Company, Fortune, Forbes, Inc., Mashable, Bloomberg and more. Sandy has also helped in raising CEO Ryan Holmes to the status of thought leader whose social media experience is regularly sought after by leading outlets.

Sandy uses both reactive, and proactive approaches to deliver winning content. Whether in the form of a TV broadcast, leading feature article, magazine cover, radio segment, or video documentary - her strategic approach to publicizing events, speaking opportunities, brand case studies, and press kits have helped the company plant itself as the leader in social. Sandy’s degree in Communication Studies from Wilfrid Laurier University, and Ireland’s University of Limerick in New Media have helped her stay on the cutting edge of technology.

Sandy's not limited to the public relations business though; she started her professional career at a Footlong hotdog stand, met her husband 12 years ago over ICQ, won first prize in pie-baking contest (having never baked a pie before), and used to be a portrait photographer. These fine experiences introduced her to new people, global concepts, and big ideas that helped shape the person she is. Mural painter and road cyclist, today Sandy's just an urban artist, lover of milk chocolate, wife, and mother to a white husky and orange kitty. She can be found in cooking classes, mentoring others, or with her HootSuite crew thinking up creative approaches to share their story.

  • Work
    • HootSuite