Sarah E. Crumley

Houston, Texas

I am an aspiring writer who is constantly learning, changing and growing as a person.

My journey began my senior year of high school, when I took my first English literature class. The manner in which poets, playwrights and novelists manipulated words like Play-Doh fascinated me and I've been hooked ever since.

Four years later, I graduated from Texas A&M University with a degree in communication. I chose communication because of the degree path's fusion of the written word and the human story. I currently work in marketing, and hope to become a copywriter or creative director in the future.

My hobbies include reading (favorite books: Harry Potter, Searching for God Knows What), drinking coffee, enjoying the company of friends, exercising, traveling, etc. I stay pretty busy; I get antsy when I'm not.

Contact me if you would like to know me better!