Satyaranjan Mohanty

Brief biography: Born in Baleshwar, the sand city of Odisha, in a remote village called Sasanpada, broke the ceiling to come out and compete with people of urban India to prove his credibility and be part of the mainstream. In the 20 long years of struggle, while staying away from home (away since he was as young as 9 years old), he has been fortunate to associate with eminent personalities, famous communities and institutions. Till today he has been part of following institutions of national and international repute: MindTree, Accenture, Great Lakes, Beroe Inc, Infosys, Applied Data Finance. Some of the well-konown personalities he has interacted personally includes: His Holiness Sri Damodara Swami, Subroto Bagchi, Ashok Soota, and Prof. Bala Balachandran.