Alan Simms

Karate N Motion - Westfield New Jersey

Name: C. Alan Simms Title: Shihan - (a.k.a. “Sensei”) Rank: Ju Dan - 10th Degree Black Belt, American Goshi Shun Karate Do; a.k.a Shihan (Head Master) - Sensei (Teacher) - nickname: The Professor; Hanshi, 10th Degree Black Belt World Jiu Jitsu, Aiki -Bujutsu Federation Hanshi, 10th Degree Black Belt Nippon Yawara Aiki Jutsu Remni College: Rutgers Martial Arts Dojo: Karate N Motion Westfield, New Jersey Favorite Activity: A Passion for Teaching Favorite Quote: “People don’t do that many different things. We do a few things, many different ways.” Sensei Alan