Shaunda Johnson

Some where between Baton Rouge, LA and Atlanta, GA

I am a sociably ambitious junior PR student at Louisiana State University. I am from Atlanta, GA. I enjoy helping others reach their full potential and get the recognition that they deserve.

My aspiration is to be a leading communicator in the professional sports industry. I wish to begin my career at Nike Inc. where I will grow and expand the brand's communications with new innovative and interactive campaigns. From there I wish to travel to various professional teams providing them with a media etiquette course, in which I will teach professional athletes how to conduct themselves in everything from social media to interviews. The course will also include the importance of personal branding both on and off the court/field.

Tiger TV Sports Reporter Fall 2013-2014

Link to Shaunda Johnson's Tiny Tigers video:

Member of Public Relations Student Society of America at LSU (PRSSA) 2011- present

PRSSA at LSU Diversity Committee member 2012-2013

ImPRint Communications associate (student run PR firm at LSU) 2011- present

Student Government Diversity Advisory Board member Spring 2013

Former videographer for The Daily Reveille Fall 2012

You can view my LSU Fall Fest 2012 video here.

  • Education
    • Louisiana State University