Shelly Maki

Shelly Maki


Marketing Director | Media Planner
Producer | Content Creator | Event Planner

I am a planner and an organizer. I remember the smallest details. And yet, once I'm rigged up and ready to go, I don't stand on the edge of the platform refusing to jump. Moving forward is letting go of perfection. I wouldn't jump in a pool if I didn't know how to swim or take the leap on a zipline without the right safety equipment, but once the basics are in place I'm not going to stand there with my knees shaking. I'm going to go! I may not always be the most graceful at what I do, but I build upon what I learn and enjoy the ride.

My management style is to lead by example. I love drafting a plan and getting approval to move forward, but it doesn't feel like an accomplishment unless I get in the mix with other worker bees and actually get busy and build something.