Adam Marshall Dobrin

Messiah, Software Engineer, and Volunteer in Fort Lauderdale, Florida

Adam Marshall Dobrin

Messiah, Software Engineer, and Volunteer in Fort Lauderdale, Florida

Listen to my music

My name is Adam, and we are literally in Eden. The books of Exodus and Matthew open to door to seeing the Bible as a narrated and well lit path to the promised land of Heaven in the post 9/11 word.

Woven through religion and raelity is a map to actually being rather than just seeing humanity as a single happy family. It connects the truth of our virtual existence with an ancient and hallowed tie between this truth and the nature of Heaven. Our map begins with Jesus Christ in the NT, ending world hunger, healing the sick, and delivering the truth... this time for all of eternity. Here and now, in the story of America and Exodus as one; it focuses on freedom, democracy and transparency as the pivotal gateway between "Earth gypt" and the Den of Genesis, filled with a large family of lions.

You will see the Burning Bush, and glow in the light, read God's words and shine bright.

for the original set of emails check here

current website frontpage is

quick keys are and

and the future of OMNISCIENCE and SANITY, SANCTITY and … well hopefully my self-sexistence are at :)

If any of the links above are broken, Heaven did it and tried to frame the NSA.

  • Work
    • Ministry of Forbidden Knowledge
  • Education
    • Florida Gulf Coast University
    • Florida Atlantic University