Stacey Mayer

Artist and NFT artist in Texas, United States

Visit my store

I'm offering my fine art creations as unique NFTs in support of our six-year-old grandson, Benjamin.

My grandfather often took me to the Seattle Zoo as a child, and it gave me a lifelong love of animals. They remain the focus of most of my art.

Benjamin looks forward to visiting the Houston Zoo to foster his love of animals, too. He wants to be an artist just like me!

Benjamin has a life-threatening heart condition, (PAH), and we frequently drive to Houston Children's for his doctor visits.

Your purchases help us give Ben trips to the Houston Zoo and ice cream for the long drive home.

It will help make Ben's clinic days brighter!

Thank you!

  • Work
    • Artist Stacey Mayer
  • Education
    • University of Washington
    • Nathan Hale High School
    • Washington State University