Stephanie Hester


Stephanie Hester


I do what I do, because what I’ve learned changes lives:

I realized that I am not defined by the things that happened to me. Nor am I valuable because of what I have achieved. No, I am incredibly, completely, wholly worthy because the God of the Universe took time to create me in His image, just the way he wanted me. Nothing I do can add to it or take away from it. I am worthy because he made me worthy.

Woohoo!!!! Let the Happy Dance ensue!

I finally understand it. I don’t have to DO anything. I am worthy just because I am.

I choose to no longer fret over what “could be” or “what if.” I want to be filled to overflowing with the joy, peace, abundance, love, excitement, strength, courage, power and woohoo-life that is Jesus! I want to do away with titles and just be in relationship with Him.

I want to stop striving and stop trying to fit into a mold because it is only then that I can embrace the fact that I am remarkable just by being – being who God created me to be, in his image.

Halleluiah, what freedom there is in letting go!

A few of my most popular topics include:

• The Power of Play: Igniting Your Soul and Balancing Your LIfe

• You Are Remarkable: Embracing Your Perfectly Created You

• Choose a Better Life™: Dance with God

• Post Traumatic Stress Disorder: The Gifts and Challenges of Living with a Mental Illness

• The Gift of Tragedy: Choosing to See the Good in the Midst of Difficult Times

To learn more about me and what I do visit me at

  • Education
    • California State University, San Bernardino