Stephen Dodd

Stephen Dodd

Hey there! I'm Stephen Dodd. I've been in the software and gaming industries in various roles and facets for the past 7 years. I have accumulated a keen set of skills that are an asset to any software development team. I'm a Quality Assurance Analyst by trade, but I'm looking to branch out into Producer/Associate Producer, or Project Management roles. I work best in team-oriented environments and have been known to be a rather bold "idea" person. I've completed numerous projects and have a deep understanding of the project lifecycle, as well as both AGILE and SCRUM project methodologies.

I'm originally from Dallas, TX, but moved to Houston, TX shortly after. I've lived in many different places in the US throughout the years, and love to travel internationally. In my spare time I enjoy music, cycling, acting with local theater troupes, and teaching both Ballroom and Latin Dancing.

I love meeting new people, and exploring new ideas and opportunities. Feel free to contact me with any questions you might have. I look forward to hearing from you!