Tim Stevens

Hamilton, ON

Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated -Confucius

Self Improvement, health, fitness and overall happiness has been the biggest motivating factors in my life for the last few years. Fixing those little things that we'd like to change about ourselves: those few extra pounds, that book you've been meaning to pick up, that trip you've always wanted to take - many of these considerations have been a drive for me to address within my life.

I'm always looking to push myself to be better, feel happier, and strive towards a better sense of self-fulfillment. You only get one life, and I feel it's important to make the most of it!

I have been with the Halton District School Board for the last eleven years as both an Occasional teacher for the first four years of my career, and a Permanent teacher for the last seven years. In this time, I've learned many things about myself and my teaching practice. I strive to engage my students and make them feel that their ideas and opinions are just as important as my own. I've established many positive relationships with numerous teaching partners and staff members over the years. Collaboration is the key to learn and grow as an educator.

I am currently teaching a 4/5 split at a wonderful open concept school in Burlington (quite a challenge in itself some days!), and love working with the students and parents in the community. I look forward to continue to develop within my own teaching practice, and to find new and innovative ways to educate my students. We are living in an exciting new age of communication and technology. It's vital to embrace technology so we can grow as learners and teachers.

  • Work
    • Halton District School Board
  • Education
    • Hon. B.A. McMaster University, B.Ed. Western University