Steve Rasey

Powell, OH

Steve Rasey maintains an array of activities. Most recently, Steve Rasey served as a Principal with the Lenders Consulting Group, a financial and consulting operation headquartered in Columbus, Ohio. In this capacity, he supervised all aspects of the organization's administration and ongoing expansion, regularly liaising with the company's brokering and banking clients regarding a variety of issues that included licensing, business development, HR, marketing, and day-to-day operations. As Principal, Mr. Rasey reported directly to the Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer. He assume this role in 2006. Among his many achievements, while employed with the Lenders Consulting Group, Stephen Rasey facilitated the growth of the firm's primary client from a startup company to a $3.5 million-a-year operation over the course of only 18 months.

Stephen Rasey possesses dual degrees from Ohio State University, graduating from the Columbus institution in 1991 with emphases in Political Science and Economics. While in residence with Ohio State University, he worked part-time as a way to pay for his education. He continues to follow OSU sports.

In addition to his ongoing professional responsibilities, he also pursues many different recreational interests. A highly active individual, he enjoys exercising whenever time permits. At the same time, he engages in a variety of less physical pursuits, including reading and keeping up with politics. He also loves spending time with his family. Involved with philanthropic efforts, Stephen Rasey continues to support organizations that include the Salvation Army and Powell United Methodist Church in Ohio.