
Fitness Instructor, Personal Trainer, and Therapist in Canada


Fitness Instructor, Personal Trainer, and Therapist in Canada

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Posturology is as of yet an unregulated discipline in North America but has and continues to be a mainstay in rehabilitation in Europe namely in France, Italy, Germany.

Since it is at its core an amalgam of many active and passive therapeutic techniques many posturologists offer their own personal and unique perspective and approach due to their own varying backgrounds.

Alex Mannarelli is a functional posture therapist with accreditations in Massage Therapy, Reiki, Mattes’ Method Kinesiological Therapy, Theta Meditation, Pilates as well as a bachelor’s degree in Fine-Arts with focus (among others) in drawing and understanding the human form. He is now re-enrolled at Concordia University in Montreal where is completing his Masters in Exercise Science.

Additionally, Alex has accumulated 25 years experience in various internal/external martial-arts (Judo, Tae Kwon Do, Capoeira, Kung Fu, Qi Gong). He was the Head Therapist for the Canadian Women’s National Savate Team in Milan, Italy in 2011 and was accepted and re-invited as a seminarist and interim-therapist for the Geriatric division of 2 of Milan’s main rehabilitative Hospitals in 2009 and 2010. He maintained a position of Fitness instructor within the GetFit Sports Club franchise in Milan for 4 years teaching Box-aerobics, Core Integration, Aqua-Fitness, Boot Camp, Pilates, Capoeira and Stretching. To complement this background Alex has also received the Royal Canadian Life Saving Society accreditation for National Lifeguard Service Instructor and is certified in C.P.R.

BREATHING THERAPY™ is where the client learns a strategically implemented approach to integrate all the necessary techniques and lifestyle habits to maintain a healthy body AT THE SAME TIME as receiving treatments to regress the original issue(s) that they originally presented themselves with.

The Main Objective is to Regain Proper Lung Activation, Range of Motion and Posture through Re-Established Tensegrity, Muscle-Fiber Coordination and Augmented Proprioceptive Feedback.

Applying these programs has been medically documented and confirmed by doctors to have significant regressive and stabilizing qualities for what were once though to be permanent degenerative pathologies. These include but may not be limited to : Compressed Disk, Sciatica, Herniated Disk, and Scoliosis.

  • Work
    • ibreathe.ca
  • Education
    • Concordia University