Elke Strobl

Linz, Austria

Elke is a freelance Journalist in Linz/Austria. She is currently writing for magazines like "Woman - Österreichs größtes Frauen- und Lifestylemagazin" and "fiber. werkstoff für feminismus und popkultur."

During her studies of media and communication, she spent one year in Spain. Ever since then she is very passionate about the country and language.

In her spare time, you can find Elke practicing Yoga, taking photographs or travelling.

Elke loves to meet and connect with people to learn about their stories so contact her anytime.

  • Work
    • WOMAN - Österreichs größtes Frauen- & Lifestyle-Magazin
  • Education
    • Johannes Kepler Universität
    • Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt