StudioSteffanie Haggins

Wellness Coach and Public Speaker in Decatur, Georgia

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I'm your Self-Care Specialist!

You need mental, physical, and emotional balance in your life in order to enjoy this journey that we all must travel once we’re born, and that’s how StudioSteffanie, wealth & wellness coach helps you. As a certified life coach, master trainer, yoga instructor, published author, and inspirational speaker she is determined to help you help yourself! She is also a member of the National Association of Professional Women and is a graduate of the Department of Juvenile Justice Inaugural Citizens' Academy. She is a vibrant and energetic presenter in the area of health and wellness. She enjoys the process of educating individuals on a full range of wellness topics inspiring participants to consider their role in achieving optimal health in all areas of their life. Essentially, she helps people in three areas of their lives: personal growth skills, business development strategies, and emotional congruence.

She offers insightful information through seminars, workshops, webinars, keynote addresses, etc., as a way to discuss topics for overall growth and wellbeing. As the creator of the “Mental Weight Loss Challenge” (, she is able to help people all over the world lose weight, keep it off, and gain self-esteem on a higher level because she removes the mental blockage that prohibits you from losing the weight. She provides group and one-on-one coaching sessions that cater to people who want to feel free and want to balance their work/life routines. She teaches emotional control through yoga routines and stress management with inmates in the State of Georgia regularly with county juveniles and is also working with the mentally challenged clients and their medical staff. She has been a member of CSA (Center for Spiritual Awareness) since 2001. She is also the author of the self-help book, “Image Is Everything!” What Does Your Image Say About You? to help facilitate workshops that cater to ladies enhancing their self-esteem. Lastly, she also published an eBook called, “3 Critical Elements for A Healthy Relationship,” which is available on her website now for free! When it comes to wellness, what more can you ask for?

You can follow her through all of the Social Media as StudioSteffanie.

  • Work
    • StudioSteffanie Enterprises, Inc.
  • Education
    • Certified Master Trainer
    • Certified Life Coach
    • Yoga and Meditation Instructor