Stuart Greig

So what exactly does that mean? Aren't all web developers intelligent? Yes. And no ;)

"Intelligent web development" is all about return on investment, or in other words going above and beyond the role of most web developers. This might be as simple as anticipating clients future needs at original briefing and encorporating an open ended strategy in to the functional spec from the start. It also means "capable of creating from the ground up" - no quick and dirty conversions of Wordpress, Drupal or Magento here. Unless that is what you really want!

I'm in my 40's, married with two dogs - in lieue of children - and live in Scotland. Other than my work my great passions are my wife, my dogs, my cars and ocassionally proving that I'm not just a geek by playing the electric guitar. All my amps go up to 11.

Despite showing early promise in my teens I am still dreadful at golf, however I am ready, willing and less-than-able to play with anyone, anytime.

The dog in this pic is Gunn, our first ever dog, experiencing snow for the first time (but not the last!). He may have been born a dog but he died a gentleman.