Subhasish Kundu

New Delhi, India.

I have graduated from Computer Science and Technology Department of Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technlogy, Shibpur (IIEST). Nowadays, I am a Software Developer at REVE Systems, Kalkaji, New Delhi.

Since my college days, I have been a fan of open source softwares. Contributed in various open source projects. I have also participated in Google Summer of Code, 2013, under Inclusive Design Institute. I happened to be a Mozilla Reps from Kolkata region and was one of the admins of Mozilla Kolkata Community.

Nowadays basically I try to gather more knowledge in whichever domain interests me. I am a Quoraddict and an active follower of TED-talks.

  • Work
    • Software Developer
  • Education
    • b.e. Computer Science
    • IIEST Shibpur