Suzan Butler

What happens when you mix an obsession with hockey, kilts, dragons, video games, and a love of romance?

Oh, you get me.

Now for the "official biography"...

Suzan Butler writes contemporary romantic fiction for both teens and adults. She also dabbles in adult fantasy, and the occasional steampunk. Her love of social media has led her to interacting entirely too much online. Find her on Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest and pretty much anywhere else she can build a profile. Suzan is a member of Romance Writers of America, its chapters North Texas Romance Writers, YARWA, and Passionate Ink. She can be found on Twitter & Facebook frequently and Google Plus on occasion. Her new passion is Pinterest.

Suzan currently lives in Texas under a not-so-secret public identity with the two monsters she gave birth to, writing books in the twilight hours of the night simply because it's quiet in the house and she can concentrate.