Swetoslaw (Sweti) Beltschew

Consultant, Photographer, and Social Media Manager in Dresden, Deutschland

I do photography in my free time and according to the german law i can call myself a "digital-fotograf". dresdentango is my playground. This is a simple view of my day to day visual experience, or my personal photoblog.

All my images are shot in camera-raw and post-processed in Photoshop. My goal with each image is to fully express the essence of the subject at hand. By exploring and experimenting, I post-process the image as far as possible while attempting to maintain the original integrity of the shot.

You will find my own small (and mostly controversial) world in my photography. In this world I am running around viewing it with a 2:3 perspective and enjoying the beauty in all that I see. With your comments you can leave your footprints in my world and I am looking forward to see them!