Thomas Turner

In an alternate universe, I'm still living in Kyoto, Japan

Thomas Turner

In an alternate universe, I'm still living in Kyoto, Japan

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"Intellectually passionate. Empathetic. Discreet. If I don't know the answer, I know how and where to find it---and that's probably why you're here. I'm a Big Picture, goal-oriented introvert. A hopeless romantic disguised as a cynic. An information whore."

The guy whose name always seems to come up when someone says, "You know who you should ask about this?", Tom is a University of Michigan graduate who taught for nearly a decade in the Japanese educational system prior to attending law school. How this experience, among others, led to him being the person to whom you find yourself divulging the most personal details of your life and asking for advice, even he doesn't know. Tom has a personal interest in technology, social media, popular culture, counseling and therapy, and adding to his collection of bow ties.

  • Education
    • University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
    • (B.A., J.D.)