Taehong Kim
Researcher in Korea, Daejeon
Korea Institute of Oriental Medicine/Future Medicine
My research career has begun with Semantic Web, aiming at developing an intelligent service that can effectively support decision-making tasks for R&D researchers and policymakers. As a Ph.D. student of the University of Science and Technology (UST), I have experienced many pivotal research tasks especially related to Linked Open Data (LOD). With the meaningful experiences and accumulated capability, I have developed an entity resolution system called OntoURIResolver and successfully applied it as one of the backbone engines of the entire decision-making support system mentioned earlier. More recently, I completed the development of a prototype system of a scalable and distributed triple repository based on the MapReduce framework which is now being enhanced with many additional functionalities.
More recently, I had focused on the complex event processing.
■ Ph.D. , Applied Information Science, University of Science and Technology (UST), Advisor: Prof. Hanmin Jung, 2012~ 2014.
■ M.S., Applied Information Science, University of Science and Technology(UST), 2010.
■ B.S., Computer Science, Hanbat National University, 2006.
■ Best Paper Award by Science & Engineering Research Support Society, Dec. 2011.
■ Best Paper Award by Korean Society for Internet Information, Nov. 2011.
■ Best Paper Award by Korea Institute of Information Scientists and Engineers, July. 2011.
■ Admission Scholarship by University of Science and Technology, 2010~ Present.
■ Academic Excellence Scholarship by Hanbat National University, 2006~ 2010.
■ Programming Languages: Java(J2SE, J2EE), C, C++, C#
■ Operating Systems: Linux, Windows NT/98/2000/XP
■ Database Systems: Oracle 8i/9i, SQL Server, MySQL
■ Experienced Distributed Frameworks : Hadoop, Hbase, Storm and so on.
PUBLICATIONS (See more detailed my publications on Here)