Tara Cohen

I'm a writer. I believe grammar matters, punctuation is powerful, and neatness counts. I believe you have to know all the rules before you can break them effectively. I believe in the challenge of converting individual letters into passion on the page. For information about my professional writing and web development consulting services, visit me at JayBird Media.

There's more to life than work, though, and I use my professional skills to further the causes about which I am most passionate. In particular, I am an advocate for the disabled, running a small, local organization that advocates for and provides speech-generating devices for children with autism and related disabilities. I offer support to parents, speak publicly, and run periodic training seminars for parents, caregivers, and educators. You can learn more about my advocacy and volunteer work at Will People.

Beyond work and community service, I find time to write about my crazy little life on my blog, which you can visit at Inappropriate Outburst. I look forward to hearing from you.