Tarnya Carrier

I am a mom of two beautiful kids. I have a son who is 11 and daughter who is 5. I am married to the most amazing man in the world and he is in the Air National Guard. My passion in life is fitness and I strive to be the best example I can be for my family so they will follow in my footsteps. I am a full time accountant and also a beachbody coach.

Growing up I wasn't always healthy. I didn't understand anything about food and never really thought much about what I was eating. I was very active playing sports but never exercised. It wasn't until I started college that I really developed an interest in working out. I started walking and my first fitness program I ever did was Tae-Bo. I lost a lot of weight and decided that this was going to be a lifestyle change.

Being healthy and active helped me lose weight quickly after having my kids. Now that I understand how to live a healthy lifestyle, I want to pay it forward and help others. I'm starting with my kids and teaching them how to be healthy.

In 2009 I was diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis. I had a really bad first case and the last several years have been very difficult. I have learned how to manage my colitis through health and fitness. I hope to inspire others who also live with IBD to live healthy, active lives.

I decided to keep a blog to post the daily activities that happen in crazy busy life. Hopefully I will inspire others, especially parents, to live healthy and teach their children young.

  • Education
    • Bachelor of Science in Business with a concentration in Accounting