Tatyanna Wilkinson

Web Developer, Social Media Manager, and Project Manager in Los Angeles, California

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Born and raised in Massachusetts. Black, Irish, Indigenous North American, French, eclectic, tech geek, small biz owner, youth advocate, mother and grandmother.

Home base is the World. My life is dynamic and eclectic as my life. I travel. I have adventures.

I am blessed to be able to make a living doing many things I am passionate about. As a lifelong volunteer, it is my pleasure to be of service to several non profits and work exchange hosts all over the world.


I am a Wordpress Website Designer in the niche of holistic health and alternative practitioners(tarot readers, healers, coaches).

Project Manager and Transformational Coach.

Travel consultant.

My web design business: EGERIA CONSULTING

My travel page: I <3 Travel Too

My life's Work: In March 2012, I launched a blog and workshops for young women. I have recently added Work/Life Retreats for all women and Moon Journal Classes.

My blog and workshops for young women: Smart Girl, Wise Woman(currently re-designing the site).

Check Smart Girl, Wise Woman out on facebook: SMART GIRL, WISE WOMAN

Non Profits I volunteer for:

Gather the Women as Regional Coordinator

  • Work
    • Egeria Consulting