T Callahan

T Callahan

Fresh out of academia however still a full-time student of all that is. I designed my own major, Ecological Stewardship, incorporating elements of multiple disciplines I find increasingly relevant in our evolving world. Rooted in environmental sustainability and touching on the realms of philosophy, religion, history, sociology & anthropology I have come to explore and learn about our world in ways I could have only dreamed possible.

As a student of life I aim to continue my quest for knowledge while hoping to share what I have learned in the most meaningful ways available. A firm believer in the power of the arts and creative energy I hope to embrace the blossoming communities as sustainability becomes a central focus for our future.

Music, art, design, discourse & community have the power to help create a world in which we can all thrive. I only hope to take advantage of the opportunities available to play a role in making such a future our reality. The conscious of today can create the world of tomorrow.