Thakur Rahul Singh

Entrepreneur in Bangalore

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Passionate about building things that add value to life.

Engineer from NITK Surathkal.

Started my first company - BooksOnHire when I was 17. Did decently well on a small scale, crashed and burned as we tried to scale.

Worked at Flipkart for a brief period with the business analytics team.

Currently working on Winkl ( Winkl is your real time shopping discovery platform for the real world. Taking care of Business & Product at Winkl. Do try it. Get in touch -

Apart from this I am a huge fan of aviation and formula one. I love to design people's experiences with interfaces around them. Could be a mobile app or a simple poster, getting it right gives me a huge sense of accomplishment. Love to travel and hoping to go on a solo trip soon!

  • Work
    • Co-Founder - WINKL
  • Education
    • B.Tech at NITK