Clinton Dixson

Kelowna, Bc Canada

Google Marketing for Business
They say knowledge is power. As a result, information is power. It means that, no matter if you like it or not, Google is power. Google nowadays is one of the most important judges from the jury that decides the success of your business. Why? Because your target audience searches on Google for the things they need. And, depending on your relation with Google, this target can convert into your customers or your competitor's customers.
So how can you improve your relation with Google? How can you make sure that Google directs people to your business? There are three pillars that support the roof of your relation with Google: SEO, AdWords and Google My Business. If one of those pillars is not strong enough, the roof will collapse. So the first thing you need to do is make sure that those three pillars are maintained accordingly.
SEO is the way Google thinks
SEO can be tricky if you're not working with somebody specialized. SEO is the way Google thinks and you need somebody to understand the algorithms in order to get the most out of Google. That means strategically chosen keywords, specialized strong content for a certain target, affiliating with trustworthy websites and blogs related to your business. It's not enough to post content. You have to think about your consumers' needs and their secret wishes. You have to always be one step ahead and discover what they want before they even know it.
Google AdWords is the science of well-chosen words
Have you noticed that, throughout history, certain words have started and ended wars? Words are one of the strongest tools people possess. And Google knows it. But choosing your words carefully is both art and science. Google AdWords can make your website skyrocket with traffic, or it can be a hole in your budget. And it all depends on the words you chose to advertise.
In order to choose the right words, you have to be inside your consumer's mind. You have to be proactive and anticipate their needs. That's the first step. The hardest part is finding those words that will get them to act. Find those words that will trigger their actions and watch your profits grow.
Google My Business is your virtual business card
The last of the three pillars is Google My Business. And is equally important as SEO and AdWords. It what you chose to let people know about your business, including your location and the righ